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In Focus - Sustainability and Low Carbon Approach

R22 Refrigerant Gas

Studies have shown that HCFC-22 or better known as R22 refrigerant gas has damaging effect on the environment. R22 gas is commonly used in air-conditioning application and progressively being phased out due to the compound's Ozone Depletion Potential aand Global Warming Potential. By 1 January 2020, under the terms of the Montreal Protocol, the U.S. is required to reduce R22 consumption by 99.5% and chemical manufacturers will no longer be able to produce the R22 gas. Existing systems that uses R22 can only use recycled or reclaimed R22 gas We have, since our beginnings, implemented air-conditioning systems that uses R410A which does not contribute to ozone depletion. 

Renewable Energy

Electricity consumption has the largest carbon footprint in a household environment. We discourage the use of conventional electric storage water heaters as alternative options are available in the market which consume lesser energy. We encourage our Clients to implement a Photovoltaic System which converts the energy collected from the Sun into electricity, thus minimising the dependence on the grid. Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels for electricity generation.

Rainwater Harvesting

Whenever it rains, the drainage system collects the water and channel it back into the reservoirs. We encourage collection of rainwater for recycling purposes. The water can be re-used for irrigating the gardens. Five hundred litres of rainwater collected is five hundred litres less of grid supplied water for watering the plants. In the future, when water treatment system becomes economically viable, the recycled water can be used for domestic purposes.   

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